January 31, 2010

iTrain 1.2010 (with apologies to Vegemite)

I have been looking to replicate the classic interwar jumble of I wagon types on a goods, and now have just enough to do it justice. D2 heads up a rake of IA (Tommy Bent)+IB (wood)+IB (steel)+I (steel) +IA (Shandy - wood/steel)+IB (wood)+ I (Tommy Bent) + IG (steel, drop door) + IB (wood).

January 11, 2010


Behind the Up platform I had originally intended to place a couple of house frontages however a closer at Glenferrie/Auburn showed the immediate buildings to be non-residential so I put together this fascia from spare Rix parts, scrap details and corrugated iron. Being so close to the backscene there's no room for a name!

January 6, 2010


This Christmas break I concentrated on building the Up Station building which is now (finally!) complete. Building uses Walthers styrene brickwork, Victorian Model Railway Society Marseilles tiles with styrene and wood detailing. The building will be attached to the Up platform (also completed during the break - again finally!) once the surrounding area has been finished.

Details, details..............

Not sure whether these two interwar types are chatting or disagreeing.

A "Work in Progress" view of the subway lantern on Glenburn's Up platform. When complete it will be placed over the black patch simulating the opening. The lantern has a styrene frame with clear perspex windows that have been deliberately frosted using Dullcote.

A rather modified Fiat 612 serves as a factory delivery truck.

The protective railing covering the Up platform subway ramp.

Postbox on Glenburn Rd. courtesy of a cut-down UK model.

I have'nt been able to find a decent version of this pattern of VR fencing so it's scratchbuilt from styrene, this is the Dn end of the Up platform.

The spear fencing protecting the buildings as per prototype - this from a Scalelink etch.

Some chaps backdated to interwar styling - amazingly none of the HO scale figure makers seem to cater for this period so modification to figures clothing, poses and colours is needed.