It's been quite a long time between overhead portals, so it was good to find some time recently to form the next one and emplace it just beyond Faith St. The siting meant this portal differed from those currently on the layout with an extension to cover both the main entrance to the Yard and the siding into Qualmann's Warehouse. Until the next portal is placed and the catenary extended, the lines are bent upwards enough to engage approaching pantographs as can be seen in the picture. Finishing this area also needed another derail to protect the Dn main from the yard exit, and also an appropriate signal. I really like the VR lattice and disk combination so it was great to find this was an appropriate type to place protecting again both the yard exit (right disk as seen above) and Qualmann's (left disk above). I built up a two disk signal from Heritage's intricate kit - not the simplest kit I have ever built, but it does yield a nice and true result.